Do you feel stuck in patterns of self-sabotage or unexplained emotional triggers?

Introducing the...
The 'Shadow Self' Workbook

Many of us struggle with unresolved, inner conflicts and/or buried emotions that affect our relationships, career, and overall well-being. These hidden aspects of ourselves, known as the 'shadow', can hold us back from reaching our full potential and living authentically.

Sign Up Below to download your FREE Shadow Self workbook.

May 8, 2024
10:59am TZ

What Is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is the inner healing work of the hidden aspects of yourself. It's the part of you that 'hides' what your deepest feelings or thoughts are that don't always align with what society says is "acceptable".

It’s Time To Love Yourself Again...

With a true assessment of your authentic self, your experiences, and, how they have shaped the decisions that you make day in and day out (without you even noticing).

So, here's a snippet of my story...

Most see me as a mother, writer, and wordsmith. Yet, my life has been shaped by trauma— domestic violence, homelessness, job loss, abandonment, and more.

But in my truest self, I am a lightworker. I possess spiritual gifts like channeling, automatic writing, and some of the 'clairs' (clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience).

Through my painful experiences, I discovered and developed these gifts, even when I felt I was losing my mind. Little did I know I had to lose myself to find myself.

The reality is your PAIN is your POWER. The sooner you can embrace, accept, and acknowledge what that looks like for you - well, that's when the true healing begins.

Society tries to confine us in boxes, but we don't have to stay there. Embrace your pain, for it holds your power. Each of us has unique gifts to share with the world through our authentic selves.

Let's break free from societal expectations and live authentically. Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

Why Do The Work?

Believe it or not, you operate on the hidden aspects of yourself. For example, if you feel like you are unworthy - you may find that even though you say 'out loud' I deserve the best - but you may behave in a way that sabotages the opportunity when the "best" arrives.

This can show up in the form of not going for the promotion because you "feel" you may not get the job. Or, this could also manifest as sabotaging a relationship, because you "feel" that person may betray you in some way.

Subconscious emotions and feelings often govern us without us even knowing. It's like that subtle background music that you hear while taking a stroll in the mall - it's loud enough to be noticed, but quiet enough to govern our mood.

This is how your 'Shadow Self' operates, and this is why it's so important for us to understand what it is that our Shadow Self is telling us.

Get To Know The Hidden Aspects of YOU

Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune into the world within you...on a mind, body, soul, and spirit level.

This workbook will serve as a starting point for you to understand your inner world and how it can affect your outer world.

  1. clear your mind with meditation
  2. Connect with your innermost thoughts with journaling
  3. Align your vision with your reality.

This Workbook Is For You If...

  • You Struggle with self-sabotage
  • You struggle with people-pleasing
  • You struggle with perfectionism
  • You Struggle with needing control
  • You struggle with insecurities

Does any of these sound like YOU?


I know, it can be a scary thing to revisit painful situations, or past experiences..but TRUST ME....there is so much more waiting for you on the other side of those experiences.

The great part is, those are experiences from the PAST, they don't shape your FUTURE - so why let them??

The past no longer exists, so why live there? The future has yet to don't get lost there. Your power is in the present! The now!

So what actions can you take NOW, to help shape the future of the life that you DESIRE, and DESERVE?

Don't let the fear of your past, hold the fate of your future hostage!!

Sign Up Below to download your FREE Shadow Self Workbook. Start your journey today!


"Thanks for triggering me. Thank you! I'm proud of me too because I had to sit in the feelings to figure out the source and that is something that I could never do before." -NC

"Thank you! You are so sweet, I was reflecting on everything and all our convos and I was like man, I thought I passed some of these emotions!" - KB

Jasmine Meadows

Lightworker, Writer, Intuitive Mindset Coach

Don't Deplete and Repeat!

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